The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
So, I'm not thinking that I'm going to be in the Dominican Republic again. As in: "How many times can I read a book with the words Trujillo in it over the course of my life??"
I never saw it coming, though. I'm reading about a guy named Oscar, who may just be the most pathetic virgin since...well, since virginity...and then I'm in the D.R. again. But let me set the record straight: I love the D.R. and I loved this book. In THE BRIEF WONDROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO, Junot Diaz has created one of the more memorable characters of the year. And DAMN it was funny and poignant and tragic and silly and magical. I was reminded of many different books and authors as I read this work (Butterflies, Lambs, Marquez) and also some amazing geeks I have known over the course of my life (no, I'm not naming anyone).
Over the course of 300-someodd pages, I grew to love Oscar and his family. I was ready for "where the story went" as it went to where "it had to go." I can't give very much away, even if I gave away the novel. But I won't. I'll just thank MK for the recommendation...and then I'll pass it on. RECOMMENDED!
PS: I really need to get to the Dominican Republic one of these days....
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