The Grandmothers
Two-book day alert! Man, I looooove vacation!
Let's just start by admiring the sunset over the Pacific, shall we? Don't worry, the sun over the Pacific is a particularly admirable image that is deeply connected to the work of the brilliant Doris Lessing, especially here. AH...the sunset!
THE GRANDMOTHERS, a collection of four short pieces of fiction by the Nobel Award-winning Lessing is a masterpiece of fiction. I can't decide which of the four is my favorite, especially since the last story is still fresh in my mouth. I think it's the last, particularly because of the image that Lessing leaves the reader with: a kind of love that is not love at all. I was a little bothered by the title story, but the more time I spent with it, the more I was taken with Lessing's boldness.
The recurring motifs of parents and children notwithstanding, there is something else here that deals with the force of love -- what we give up, what price we pay, what sacrifices we are willing to make. Lessing is a just a wonder. I'm so glad that I got exposed to her writing when I was still young. It means that I don't have to spend a lifetime catching up. Shoutout to Ludgate, Pittis, and MK for all recommending this wonderful text. RECOMMENDED!
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